5 Month Baby Smiles and Laughs but Doesnt Giggle

5 month old non laughing

(sixteen Posts)

ResetPassword Mon 13-Feb-17 20:42:27

I'll preface this by saying I take health anxiety effectually my DD

She'southward most 5 calendar month one-time and doesn't laugh. We've had a couple of goofy sounding exhales during smiling but no belly laughs yet. Lots of big smiles, centre contact and babbles etc.

My gp wasn't concerned. HV just told me to make sure I collaborate with her hmm Merely I'm worried, all the guides say laughing by 4 months (I know, I know, I shouldn't read them) Any other posters have children of similar age who haven't laughed? Is this a business?

Neolara Mon 13-February-17 20:45:23

My ds was a very serious baby. He rarely laughed or fifty-fifty smiled that much. He'due south at present 10yo and absolutely hilarious. He laughs often. I wouldn't worry also much.

Witchend Mon 13-Feb-17 23:28:45

DD1 smiled at 5 weeks, laughed at most 4 months.
Dd2 I wasn't confident she'd smiled until almost six months, and I tin can't remember hearing her express joy much beneath 10 months.

Dd1 grew up to exist a serious toddler, and people e'er commented on dd2's smile and that she's always laughing!

hmmmum Mon 13-Feb-17 23:35:47

My dd didn't laugh for ages - I can't remember exactly when she started only it was well after five months, because I worried virtually it too from a developmental indicate of view. She merely did a big goofy smile if she found something funny.
Now a giggly five year old, developmentally she seems to be absolutely fine!
I think those developmental markers can sometimes exist a source of feet because if there is something your child hasn't washed by a sure time it can make you worry, when sometimes information technology'due south just a matter of all kids developing in their own fashion and own time.

Sophia1984 Wednesday fifteen-February-17 xvi:41:37

My 6 month old has only really started laughing in the last couple of weeks. He would shriek with pleasure and occasionally go 'ha!' only only laughs when nosotros tickle him. He definitely wasn't laughing at 4 months, and I don't think any of our fellow NCT babies were either.

Swain Health Anxiety sufferer here - it's hell isn't information technology?

Bloopbleep Wed 15-Feb-17 xvi:53:26

Dd was 9months earlier she got the giggles. She did a noisy smile blazon matter that sounded like eeehhh simply even that was at about 6 months. Y'all at present can't stop her getting the giggles and she's had no developmental delays.

Longdistance Wed fifteen-Feb-17 17:01:56

My dd1 didn't smiling for ages, but she was a miserable whinging baby. She didn't giggle/laugh til she was at least six months. But, she was fully crawling pulling herself upwardly at 7mo. And so horses for courses,

Do you tickle your dc? Accident raspberries on their tummy? This got dd going in the finish.

Cantstopsmiling37 Wed xv-February-17 xix:01:41

Am sure my girls were both nearly half-dozen months before they laughed and it took a lot to make them even giggle a footling, usually physical like tickles, blowing raspberries on their tummies rather than peekaboo or airheaded faces/noises. Now at 5ys and 10months they are both very happy, smiley girls but rarely really express joy. My son yet giggled very early and is often in hysterics over cypher!
Unlike personalities rather than anything to worry about I think.

Shootingstar2289 Sat eighteen-February-17 19:12:00

My girl very rarely laughed until she was about ten months old. She smiled a lot but you could not become her to giggle at all! She was so serious.

My Mother was quite funny about it to me proverb she idea she was an unhappy child only in fact she was quite the opposite and always tried to brand her express joy only she wasn't having it! 😅

Anyway, my daughter is now nineteen months and is a very happy, giggly child!

Like adults, infants have different personalities. My son has never stop laughing but my daughter was just busy taking the world in!

ResetPassword Tue 21-Feb-17 twenty:20:36

Cheers so much for the reassuring posts.
We've actually had iii lots of giggles at present, had to work bloody hard for them absolutely just feeling relieved - such a beautiful sound. People often annotate that she has a serious little face so I think pp are right virtually it just being her personality. Maybe I should play her some blackness comedy.

Sophia I idea my anxiety was at its peak during pregnancy simply wowza it's taken on a whole new level.

melonribena Thu 23-Feb-17 21:56:56

Ds2 is almost 5 months. He makes happy squeaking noises and lots if smiles but no laughs all the same. I think it's fine

Lm604 Friday 24-Feb-17 03:06:52

Information technology was very reassuring reading this thread, especially of the people who had serious babies that have grown into "normal" babies!

My 7mo doesn't express joy either. He smiles a lot at me and my husband (not and so much with strangers) and when I say certain words in a certain tone, he will allow out a "huh" or a "huh huh".

ButtMuncher Friday 24-Feb-17 03:23:00

This is chilling every bit I was searching for very same thing today - my DS is 5 and half months and hasn't really giggled much. I blame myself as I am a scrap hopeless at baby play (probably because I'm averaging 3 hrs sleep a night) so must up my game.

DS is quite smiley though, and often sounds as if he'due south about to express mirth without the actual sound. He's very social and loves looking at people, plus he'south ridiculously potent. He's not rolled yet though!

Sophia1984 Friday 24-Feb-17 eighteen:33:56

Reset ah I'g glad the giggles take come- fifty-fifty better when yous have to work for them!

Accept y'all considered getting some help with the anxiety? I'm getting guided CBT over the phone and it's actually helping I recollect.

fogut Fri 24-February-17 19:41:49

No issue my child is 10 months quondam and he even tin can't stand on his feet

Lm604 Sat 25-Feb-17 01:50:07

Fogut - my 7mo hardly bears any weight on his legs either. My pediatrician wasn't worried though.

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Source: https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/behaviour_development/2853934-5-month-old-not-laughing

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